Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New York!

 Our team recently got back from the Affiliate Summit East in New York! There is only one word to describe our trip...EPIC! We stayed in the heart of Times Square at The W.  Not only was the hotel beautiful, but our rooms had great views overlooking all of Times Square!!!

 [the view from our rooms!!!]
 We had little time to explore the city, but we all had an amazing time at the conference!  It was so much fun meeting new people, and meeting up with old friends.  The best part of the conference was all of the parties that we attended!  The nightlife in New York is so different from San Diego, so we all enjoyed this change of scenery. We went to a bunch of different parties, but the most memorable experience for Tyler was at the Affiliate Ball where he got to meet Grand Master Flex (he's an old school rapper...if you don't know who he is, check out his wikipedia page @ Some of the younger members of eFlow had to utilize this page to know what Tyler was talking about!)

Here's some more photos that we took to document our trip....
[What we walked by everyday on our way to the Conference]
 [The view from the Neon Party at The Dream Hotel]
 [aren't these cool lights? overlooking the check-in for the conference]

Overall, the trip was beyond AMAZING! We all can't wait to go back!!

If you met us in New York and would like to get some business going, contact us at !!!

Meet the new members of our team!

 We asked them to answer a few questions about themselves, and here's what they had to say...

Q) Do you have a nickname that you like to be called?
A) Some of my friends back home call me Sweet Little Ramona! There is a great story behind why but not sure we have time to go into all of that!!

Q) What alcohol best describes your personality?
A) Can’t say there is an alcohol that describes me but the mixed drink that describes my personality best is:
Fun Loving
1 oz vodka
1 oz Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky
1 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur
1 oz orange juice
1 oz cranberry juice
1 oz pineapple juice
*Stir ingredients together in a highball glass filled with ice, and serve.

Q) Do you have any hidden talents?
A) I can play a pretty mean air guitar!   

Q) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A)  The Galapagos Islands. Check it out for yourself and see why I can’t wait to go…

Q) What do you like most about working at eFlow?
A)  The atmosphere and crew! They are all a lot of fun to work with! I love how Kai & Tyler poke fun at each other all day! Ryan is an awesome boss and I have to say he has quite an amazing singing voice! The location is great as well! Who wouldn’t  like walking out of their office and seeing the ocean!

Q) Do you have a nickname that you like to be called?
A) I got the nickname "Dirwin" my sophomore year of college from my former roommate Kai! I left my email logged in, and she saw that it was Dirwin, so she started calling me that.  It quickly caught on, and now people barely know that my first name is Danielle.

Q) What alcohol best describes your personality?
A) Beer, because I'm laid back, social, and down-to-earth!

Q) Do you have any hidden talents?
A) I can bend my index finger all the way back!

Q) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A) I would love to go to Italy some day, just to eat all of the food!!

Q) What do you like most about working at eFlow?
A) Well, I get to sit next to the lovely Kai Mercado, so that is a plus! I am also learning a lot of new things that will hopefully prepare me for when I'm done with college!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Friday, June 24th, the eFlow team went to a Padres game.  What started off as a team outing to see a baseball game, quickly turned into a fun night of karaoke!  There is video proof, but it's just too embarrassing to post on the internet (Kai wont let us).

We started off at a bar downtown called Bub's at the Ball Park, where we got free mini foam fingers.  The girls were very exciting about that (I mean they are foam fingers, but miniature. What's not to love?).  From Bub's, we all headed over to watch the baseball game.  After arriving late to the game, we sat down and "watched" for 20 minutes and got up and left to explore the rest of downtown. I don't know if you know this, but baseball is extremely boring!  On a search for the perfect karaoke bar, we wandered around the Gaslamp quarter for a while.  We finally ended up at this random little
dive bar called Tequila 100.  It was pretty empty inside, but we were lured in by the man standing outside yelling the word "karaoke!", and that's exactly what we wanted to do!  After sitting down and ordering everything we could off the menu, we listened to two people sing, who were clearly amateurs.   Kai and Danielle sang "Living on a Prayer" and rumor has it, they were awful. All in all, it was a very successful and entertaining night!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The eFlow Crew

eFlow is starting a blog!  We want you guys to get to know the eFlow team a little better. We have kind of a crazy bunch here...

Meet our team!
 Originally from New Orleans, Ryan might just be the world's most interesting man.  He speaks fluent French, in German.  He can fix a computer just by staring at it. He simultaneously won American Idol, America's Got Talent, and The Voice…using only sign language.   Ryan started eFlow Media in February 2010 because he wants "to be a billionaire so freakin' bad. Buy all the things he never had." Ryan and Tyler have an interesting bromance going on, and tend to bicker like a married couple.
After being banned from Colorado, Tyler danced his way to San Diego. He then established himself as a professional dancer, going by the name "Crazy Legs."  You can see his renowned dancing technique in Ocean Beach on any night. But, Tyler is unfortunately prone to mishaps.  Most recently, Tyler lost his birth certificate, his social security card, and chipped his tooth, all during the same trip in Tijuana.  He is a lover of fine foods such as Mike and Ike's and Spicy Cheetos.  We don't let him go shopping for the office anymore, due to an unfortunate generic soda experience.
 If you want to find Kai, look for her trail of crumbs. Her nickname in the office is "Crumbles" and “Spilbo Baggins” because she tends to leave crumbs on the floor when she eats.  She's as cute as a button, and can quote Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Anchorman word for word.  That takes talent. Kai's first impression on the boys at eFlow was Gypsy Fading (a term she coined herself).  She tends to disappear when out on the town, and not let anyone know she's leaving.  You might be more familiar with the terms "Houdini" or "Peacing Out".  She is short and shifty, so make sure you keep track of her.
Just to be warned, these are the interns, so don't expect too much.
This Gossip Girl never fails to inform the office of the hottest places to be on a Friday night.  She prides herself on being able to keep up with the best of them when she's out on the town. She just recently moved to PB so we expect her early morning shifts to become a lot more difficult for her.  You know you love me, XOXO, GG.

Update, June 30th: Last week Julie missed a shift.  Coincidentally, she went out the night before ;)
She's never dated an American, and loves all things French.  If you are from the U.S., and want a date, we might suggest you using a fake accent.  But she will make an exception for hockey, rugby, or soccer players.  She's easily amused and tends to crack herself up all the time.  Other people in the office are often confused about what she's laughing about. 
PS. The Real World is filming in PB and we'll keep you updated on our sightings.